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Britax Marathon 70 Convertible Car Seat, Chili Pepper : Brief Specs
- Safecell technology features safecells designed to compress in a crash, significantly lowering the center of gravity and counteracting the forward rotation of the child seat which normally propels the child toward the front seat
- Integrated steel bars strengthen the connection to the vehicle and reduce forward flexing of the child seat during a crash
- Energy-absorbing versa-tether features a staged-release tether webbing to slow the forward movement, reducing the crash forces reaching the child, and a two-point attachment to minimize forward rotation while anchoring the top of the child seat
- Side Impact Protection comprised of deep side walls lined with energy-absorbing EPP foam distributes crash forces, shields from vehicle intrusion, and contains the head, neck and body
- Tangle-Free, Five-point harness distributes crash forces across the strongest parts of the body and provides a secure fit
It Can Save You: 18%
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All data as of Jan 24, 2012 09:04:20.
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